Rachel’s Tears by Beth Nimmo and Darrell Scott

Rachel’s Tears by Beth Nimmo and Darrell ScottRereleased to coincide with the 10 Year Anniversary of the shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, Rachel’s Tears explores the Columbine tragedy through the prism of the incredible life of Rachel Scott. Rachel, who lost her life on that fateful April 20th, was a person of extraordinary courage and faith.

Everyone knows, or should know, the basic story surrounding the shootings at Columbine High, but reading about how deeply those fateful events affected a single family presents the tragedy in a different light, one that is incredibly powerful and, at times, painful to read. Rachel Scott was killed during the massacre at Columbine, yet she met her end as she lived her life, with a sense of peace, grace and acceptance, all made possible by her unwavering faith in God.

Looking back at Rachel’s journals, it is apparent that she was a young person of uncommon strength, confidence and faith. It is also apparent that as early as 11 months prior to the shootings Rachel had a sense that her time on earth was short… she actually wrote a journal entry stating she knew this would be her last year. Yet, she went on to thank the Lord for her time, promising she had lived life with a sense of urgency and purpose, getting as much as she could out of the time she had been given.

The overriding themes explored in this work, faith, forgiveness, and finding the strength to carry on in the face of unspeakable tragedy are unquestionably powerful. As demonstrated by Rachel’s desire to start a “chain reaction” of love by practicing random acts of kindness and compassion, as well as her affirmation of her faith in God even when literally staring down the barrel of a gun, they become almost painfully moving and life affirming.

Few ever achieve the level of peace and acceptance with their lives that Rachel did, nor do they experience such a purity of heart in their desire to be spiritual and establish a personal relationship with God… the story of Rachel’s life, and the ripple effects of it on all those whose lives she touched, is both humbling and motivational.

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