‘Short Stories: Fewer Words, More Work?’ at Criminal Element

Criminal ElementHeads up, crime fiction fans, Macmillan has a new community website you need to check out: Criminal Element.

Featuring original short stories, excerpts from upcoming crime and mystery novels, as well as daily blog articles, Criminal Element is a great place for fans of crime fiction and mysteries to come together and share their love of the genres.

They’ve even let me have the floor today to talk about short stories and crime fiction: “Short Stories: Fewer Words, More Work?” So pop over, read my article (feel free to leave a comment, too), and then take some time to explore the site.


  • Brian Lindenmuth

    May 6, 2011 - 7:03 AM

    With the inclusion of the short story categories in the Spinetingler Awards I read A LOT more short fiction then I normally do. So I found myself the other day starting an article on short fiction and the various collections and anthologies that I had read.

    I still may finish it if I can find the time but seeing yours and your similar thought process was amusing. Great minds…

    • Elizabeth A. White

      May 6, 2011 - 11:16 AM

      I hope you do finish it. There is a lot of great work going on in the format these days; it can’t get too much attention as far as I’m concerned.